
mucha melancolia

again with the never writing, sheesh!

it is technically wednesday morning, dark outside, streets dry unlike when i woke up this morning and they were slick with rain. did my usual tuesday night 1.5 hour drive home then spent another hour painting my nails with birchbox colors, taking pictures of my eyes and laser eyes in photobooth and deciding to eat the last 1/4 of my round table personal pizza even though it was kind of gross looking because i crunched the numbers and realized i paid $2 for that tiny wedge! such a desperation purchase, made through tear stained eyes and waited for while on the phone with mom in the event that i exploded in sadness.

it was pretty good though. oh yeah, all while watching the bachelorette, the weirdest show of all time, which i enjoy as a sort of sociological wonder. tired now, no more writing. flat grapefruit perrier.

tinteardrop at 12:04 a.m.

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