

now's the time to write, right? i mean sure i'm foggy from more cheap white wine and filled to the brim with cream sauce (and seriously need to spend some quality time in the bathroom), but fuck it, i've been meaning to get some shit down for some time now.

so i guess there was some craziness last...wednesday? lika sent me a text "want to go to bars?" which of course i did, so i met up with her and her pretentious russian jew friend at the nasty asti and drank some beers before her incredibly drunk friend approached these three greasers at the bar by flinging her arms around them and eventually bringing them back to the table. one was young, cute and chubby and the other two were kind of old and sunburned in that distinctively california way and all three were covered with tattoos. apparently they are pro surfers/skaters and tattoo artists and, to my utter surprise, one of them was actually incredibly smart and well read.

we kept partying and went back to their cortez camper that apparently was invented for astronauts? anyway, liza and her little dude (turns out he was 19 HAHAHAHA) were getting busy while me and the other dudes were outside watching (hilarious and awkward...live porn but with real people doing it...not so pretty) and when they finally finished, we went back inside and the one who was freaking out over me knowing who zora neale hurston is (i want to name my daughter zora! its my serbian grandmother's name) and biting my knees and tickling me to the cackle point, finally coaxed me into kissing him on the lips.

we kissed a bit and giggled and drank more and then somehow i ended up on the freakin bunk next to him - beside pretentious girl and babyface doing it - with my dress off and a tiny little penis in front of my head. oh lordy. anyway, it was totally the smallest dick i ever saw and i was very careful not to say or do anything to demean it (awww). however i did not put it in my mouth. we did have sex though and i even managed to have a pretty rad orgasm while i was on top. the whole thing was cut with this frenetic insanity coupled with the embarrassment of the publicity of it all, but what the fuck, you only live once.

this guy is not only a smart, axe wielding pro surfer cum phenomenally renowned tattoo artist, but also completely into me and a fan of the russian novelists. this was a fun night.

in other news, i got the coop in berkeley which fucking rules! hot tub what! hung out with matt last night and in mid hula hoop of course fucking andy walks in for an awkward hello/goodbye. with his long gross ringlets and homeless hobo from the 30s style baggy jeans it was hard for me to even superimpose the apple cheeked sweetheart i once knew and i was a little sad when i found out the 530 number that called me shortly after he left was from some girl who was interested in my job. i don't know how i've fallen back into these thoughts (oh wait, except for the fact that i run into him constantly now and he has sullied my otherwise easygoing friendship with matt) but i have, man.

i secretly want to just make up with him and be friends again, but i am no masochist. bygones and all that. bridgett is helping me move thank the lord! it will be fun. two insane a type freaks with a cargo van. but it will get done. oh yes.

i have started a new regimen (thanks, partially to the dude) of jumping in the ocean first thing in the morning, then taking a shower (the dude's suggestion). so far so good. i feel like a fucking g walking down to the beach with my towel around my shoulders like a cape and talking to myself as i plunge into the icy depths, licking salt from my lips on the sandy walk home.

fuckin a man. less than a week left in this dump, then freedom! also packing. and some headaches. and leaving the kitties behind. farrrrrg.

tinteardrop at 12:57 a.m.

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