
hard wax

wow forever forever. new life in motion and a vast, billowing improvement over the old. some ridiculously sympatico roommates (including one that gives me the feelings with his basketball shoes and syrupy brown eyes) and some that are freaky and weird. internship is wizard and being painstakingly documented - hopefully this will jog my block tomorrow. eport is churning along and i'm nearly finished - thank christ. rec league derby begins on friday. incredistoked.

definitely counting on "exercise" to be a positive seeing as i can't skate anywhere here and have been spending muchas horas sitting in front of the old box. feeling gross in general. also feeling ridiculously worked up at all hours. haven't yet casually encountered anybody in real life or otherwise (well, excepting my tdat podna), but pretty much dying to get laid. we are having a party on the 12th so perhaps then? also there is somewhat of a drizzle happening...tim from sf was text-pursuing me large this weekend and we didn't end up connecting though i'm sure will will soon enough. slightly worried though by his small handedness. however he does deal grass, has sick taste in music and apparently used to live on the san quentin campus. hmmm yeah

then there is cameron, this cheeky barista at bika (?), this pretentious cafe, who spent his sweet ass time making my coffee by trickling the water in ever so delicately while conversating about gamelin and jaipong, elevated flavor adjectives and good old santa cruz. he held my coffee hostage while chatting with other customers and i finally paid and left awkwardly after introducing myself and shaking on it...half hoping he might ask for my number. he was looking at his watch and saying it was one hour until sandwich time and asking me if i had heard of star grocery because of their amazing (and some vegetarian) sandwiches. was he making conversation or awkwardly inviting me out? or neither? so so confused. so much so that i actually browsed missed connections on stupid craigslist to no avail. maybe i'll just go back and see whats up. sure he could be 20 or not single or otherwise tainted, but maybe he isn't?

tinteardrop at 9:31 p.m.

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