
being lewd with two dudes and food

best day! went with alexis and dylan to the island...again :) did some of the same stuff i did last week, like go to wards beach and the petting zoo, however it was fueled by the now legendary triad of ada and lots of booze.

first we chilled under a tree and just talked and drank and ate for a long while as the insane bombacity of the airshow assaulted our ears every half hour. alexis and i were thrilled with dylan's company; very talkative and funny with wonderful boy arms. he found an inchworm in alexis' hair and put it on my arm where we oohed and awed over how cool and cute it was and i made a coral forest out of sticks.

we biked around and had cocktails at the "carousel cafe," where we fed bagels to some hilarious geese and laughed some more. found a cool playground and climed the rope thing with some kids, then coaxed dylan into the lake in his underwear and raced each other to this buoy and swam around it trying to surf on top of it and splashed each other a ton. we treaded water forever just cracking each other up and being happy.

ferried and biked home and shared some sushi pizza and other deliciousness from new generation, then alexis and i watched some amazing flight of the concords with the dude and finished the delicious za from the other day.


dylan really is a special boy. a little on the conservative, worrying, wes anderson hating side, but quite warm and genuine otherwise. and those arms and face. it was fun to climb and splash around with him.

tinteardrop at 11:29 p.m.

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