
it is always a good time to bike across dundas

i love how futuristic snack foods have become. for example, "pumpkin spice" as a flavor has really taken off lately. just yesterday i saw pumpkin cheesecake ice cream at baskin robbins AND pumpkin spice blizzards at dairy queen! the only possible trump is ben and jerrys, which i will investigate at lunch sometime next week.

lunch is absolutely my favourite hour of the day. sandwiched between hours and hours of wasted time, it is a beacon of pleasure and hope. i like to mix it up: lunch village some days, which includes a host of options, taco bell or burrito boys or ny sub for the spinach curry, tempeh and cheddar sandwiches at fresh, panzerottos, pierogi and cabbage rolls at the grange, grilled cheese at the stem...street meat! the best is when me and alexis meet up for lunch. otherwise i sit in the sun or lie down and listen to audio books. or i browse in pages and take a walk through the neighborhood.

tomorrow i'm going to st. lawrence market at lunch with matt to meet amanda. i like matt. he's a solid person and a chris elliot fan. i'm also nurturing a miniature greg-esque lust for the gutch. something about his pitching arm muscles and general cleanliness. also we are kind of working on a team project and, well, we make a good team :)

tinteardrop at 12:08 a.m.

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