
my dim subconscious

one pleasant side effect to being off the weeds is the curious remembering of (at least parts) of my dreams.

last night i dreamed dolly died. it felt almost like a completion of the gamut of emotions. one last surrender and realization that it is over and over forever. also bits and pieces of emily and spongebob and more cobwebby new york.

the other night, it was the fallout from i am legend. i rarely have scary dreams or nightmares...mostly they are patched together randomness with or without a sense of humor, but after seeing 28 days later, i woke up in a cold sweat while catsitting after dreaming of a toronto inundated by creepy zombies and the warpath left behind, including a st. clair bridge lousy with garbage and dank sense of fear permeating the air.

this dream didn't say much, but had me driving down bloor and bay (also a dusty hybrid with nyc)and watching people bust themselves to get away from the encroaching dusk. i first noticed a guy biking fast, wearing rollerblades and thought to myself that this man was a genius. he was followed by a rollergirl on a bike wearing rollerskates.

on new years i dreamed of many things, but sadly can't remember any of them. i know i told grace about one of them...i'll see if she remembers.

i hope none of these are premonitions, man.

tinteardrop at 9:33 a.m.

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