
you know that deep down he is a total marxist dave chappelle fan :)

"I've watched Obama demonstrate a soccer kick to his daughter in Chicago; devour a cheesesteak in Philly; navigate a roller rink in Indiana; drive a bumper car; and catapult 125 feet in the air on an amusement-park ride called 'Big Ben.' He's done it all with dogged professionalism, but with little show of spontaneity. After all this time with him, I still can't say with certainty who he is."

my take on this is pretty much that obama can't really show his blackness as presidential candidate and that is why he is so cautious and buttoned down

i think obama is smart to keep it on the buttoned-down tip. can you imagine the rabblerousing that would occur should he appear too comfortable, or god forbid, less white?

tinteardrop at 9:58 a.m.

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