

hopefully i'll actually write down some of the awesomeness of christmas, but i have precious few moments of lucidity left before the great slumbertown and lots of fantastic ground to cover.

thomas picked me up from the airport last night after many layovers and a few tears. kitties got home ok and are fine! we chilled out a bit. he was so sweet the whole day, with me texting every few minutes to inform him of yet another delay. his responses were things like, "want me to pick up some herb?" god love the boy. he is the shit! so we came home and had amazing, missed-you-for-months sex and fell asleep in each others arms.

work was awesome and relaxing, then i went to the spa with bridgett...wait, did i say spa? i mean crappy local gym, but whatever. we went and it was great and i'm totally going to join. i spilled the beans in the sauna and told her all about aaron, my acid stupidity and my hope to reconnect some day, which was heartily affirmed by the crazy, hairy man on the bench next to us.

we went from the gym (guy-m) to pergolesi to see some high school band (amazing), then to the blue where we got guest listed for the dwarves by charlie and brandi. we drank some pbr, smoked some bowls and went ape. i was squeezed up right next to anka at the front and basically freaked out during the whole set. it was amazing!

and of course, anka and blag dahlia have been friends for decades, so we met and talked a bit. love being canadian :)

anyway, kind of even better than the blagosphere was the fact that i turned around at the beginning of the show and saw aaron right in front of me.

we hugged huge and were both obviously stoked to see each other. he gave me a pile of stickers and buttons for his band that had played it's first show earlier, but that we had missed. funnier still was that prior to figuring this out, we helped his band's drummer unknowingly by screaming at the bouncers to open the gate for him.

such an odd and wonderful return home.

tinteardrop at 2:03 a.m.

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