
mind the crap

so tired but have been meaning to write about dreams i had...

on saturday after the bout, lots of alcohol and taco bell (some of which i remember), I slept in my bed, micah covered himself with a sad little fleece blanket in his tighty whiteys on the bed in between our rooms and shay was in her room doing it to wolf all day long. the net result of this was that we all had keeerazy sex dreams that night :D i forget micahs and shays, but mine found me at the bottom of a pile of hot girls in a crazy orgy, then somehow also around rob all day, flirting and talking and all that sweet stuff.

the next day i slept at zacks again (fucking shwing, except it was a tiny bit disappointing. he gave me a piano lesson though that was beyond adorable and actually really fun) and had trouble sleeping (probably because i was all zack! shwing! all night), but while i did sleep i DID have a hilarious dream about...obama!

we were sitting next to each other on some kind of transportation and he was thirsty. embarrassingly, all i had to offer him was the stale dank inch of coffee in my travel mug, but he was very gracious, albeit perturbed.

tinteardrop at 12:25 a.m.

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