

i used to make lists incessantly. packing mostly, but also things to do, buy, see before the end of summer...

my family always teased me about it and my ocd tendencies in general. but i get shy and nervous when people notice me and comment. so i kind of stopped making lists. no big deal, i can remember it all in my head, but i liked the process.

now i worry that my list-lessness may have been more impactful than i had originally anticipated. for every instance like that where i feel self-conscious, my knee jerk reaction is to drop whatever it is like a hot potato and shun the very idea.

but i say fuck that. i'm going to start making lists again. and the first one will be as follows:

Things to Make Me Me

develop my new character olivia
clean/decorate my apartment the way i want
go out with logan
write something somewhere every day
see one new movie a week
locate and frequent every used book store in town

more to come...

tinteardrop at 1:06 p.m.

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