
more freaky dreams

was at a party at jared (couldn't remember his name during the dream) and efrain's house (don't live together in real life). ended up on the bed with andy, violently screaming DON'T TOUCH ME! at him for some reason and him getting aggressively defensive. tried to leave a note telling everyone i had left, but it took me so long, i ended up leaving late anyway. met a girl who was canadian and we decided to take the train home together, but after a glimpse of her, she was gone. i walked through this shady parking lot type place bordered with chicken wire and overlooking the highway. somehow i got tethered to a length of chain and had to try and figure a way out with all these disgusting, lascivious men around me trying to provoke me. i tried spot after spot only to see thugs with their dicks out or other unsavory options. finally after several desperate attempts, i managed to unhook myself from the chain and squeeze through a tiny, square dog-door type opening and hit the pavement running.

i ran and ran long the wide median of this foreign highway. it seemed asian, but i think it was mexico city. i ended up in barrio chino and tried to orient myself. found a hotel and a map and started my trek towards the train station. the air had a strange feel and i realized this was a city under duress. war or zombies or something had ravaged and it was unsafe. i tried to get across a rusty, communist style bridge by crossing train tracks too late and jumping just before the train came and suspending my body down to avoid being hit or touching the third rail. the bridge was locked anyway, but i made it somehow and was in a fancy bed and breakfast. trying to get down the stairs, i found myself stepping onto leveled scarf racks that looked like newspaper racks that some cafe's have where they hang from the center fold. ended up meeting adrian who had his bike (he had kept it at the hotel before all the shit went down) and we set off for the train station.

tinteardrop at 8:50 a.m.

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