
les bontemps

haven't written in forever and probably so much has happened. health problems like whoa. going to fix my back finally. have been eating crazy cool healthy stuff in addition to the regular intake of pizza and junk food.

went to bout to see groms and accompany my two favourite babysitting charges. very fun and no unwelcome run-ins with anyone, thank god, though my presence was definitely acknowledged.

easter at robbie's house and another trip down to pg for a parade and festival. it was windy, but really fun. we always have so much fun together it is ridiculous.

putting on crazy scents to walk over to pergs for pie and mexican mochas in the morning or flea market strolls in the sun, or swimming or surfing in the ocean and walking back home through the boardwalk with our tops down. driving over the hill or down the bay, pajama parties, concerts, sliders, movie quotes, heart-shaped pizzas.

had huevos y papas and a mimosa with robbie when pat was in town the other day. haven't seen each other in 7 years but picked up right where we left off. so wonderful.

far too involved in the following:
top chef masters

tinteardrop at 11:29 p.m.

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