
serenity... now

HPV results came back favorable - my body is healing itself.

i have been cooking and eating ridiculously well: think kale, chard, quinoa, brown rice and split pea dal, etc.

i have an iphone app that keeps track of how much water i drink every day and lets me take a picture of each cup/vessel and record how much of it i finished. it is genius and already i'm drinking way more water.

also tea with coconut oil, smoothies with maca.

went swimming, did a pilates and a yoga class all within a few days...more to come.

got rid of the sheisty scientologist chiro i made the mistake of visiting and got a much better one who is showing me stretches for this ass muscles that will help support my back. both pilates and yoga stretched the shit out of the, so it all seems to be working out.

got new facewash and lotion from kiehl's along with some bitching travel sized shit and a ton of samples and used my awesome coupon.

went to giants (cold, night) and an As (hot, sunny) game with robbie, easter with his family, good old days parade/festival with his bro and gf, ocean swimming, breakfast eating, rollerskating coffee-indulging good times 24/7.

so tired, but feeling awesome.

p&ms wedding in the end of may. absolutely cannot fucking wait.

tinteardrop at 12:08 a.m.

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