

I am in a terrible mood. Tail end of seemingly unending days of work and assorted unpleasantness. Underwear wedged up my ass, fucking people everywhere, shitty unwanted book club with fucking gross vegan nachos, stupid tiny cellphone screen, gnarly sweet moth ball perfume on the jag off sitting next to me. I want to watch spring breakers with a giant cup of booze. Why do I know zero people who would want to do that??? Adrian would and Courtney and Brian and Jeff and Kat and probably a hundred other Toronto peeps. What I can do is go home and drink some wine, smoke some weed and chill out before I have to do anything else. I am seriously bummed out by having to cancel book club. Such bullshit. Now the kids suffer. I'm gonna let them check it out anyway now. If someone wants to reconsider and fill out the forms and seriously challenge it, they can. I'm too hungry for this and can't stomach being in the kitchen empty of food and making annoying chit chat with all those aholes. Aaaaaaaa hungry and still in a bad mood, though slightly better. Rubens smugness annoys me. The way he's always going sure, sure when I am talking as if he's just being patient until I wear myself out. I feel nauseous like whoa

tinteardrop at 6:06 p.m.

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