
way way back in the 1980s

i just typed in ewww.diaryland. hehehe.

so, flowers are the reproductive organs of plants and yet we humans feel no shame at all in burying our noses betwixt their soft, velvety petals and inhaling deeply. curious.

i can't get the theme song to clone high out of my head. i saw the show for the first time last night and am already over the moon for it! my favourite character is the robot, dr. lynn butlertron!, who calls everyone wesley.

i was at the salvation army today and watched a guy beside me quickly change into some pants off the rack, transfer over his wallet and change and stuff, then walk out, leaving his discarded pants in a ball in the corner. that just elevates thrift store stealing to dramatic new heights! also he was kind of cute. i wonder what happened to the old pants that was so bad?

also it is (was) fat tuesday! i have already celebrated by eating cheese grits and have decided to return to my schoolgirl practice of giving something up for lent despite having little to no christian inclination whatsoever.
this year it will be...junk food! yes, a return to an old favourite, but i feel it will have a more profound effect this time around. living alone is sort of calibrating my mind and body to how it should ideally perform and i honestly believe i can convince myself that my natural state of being does not include banana slurpees and coke with lime. *fingers crossed*

tinteardrop at 12:11 a.m.

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