
no mames, guey!

so going on dates sucks if you are me because you immediately decide that the dude, despite sometimes YEARS! of crushing on, is lame and average, not street smart enough and kind of a pussy. sigh. things would be so much easier if i didn't have boners for such nerds. at least this guy breaks my traditional mold of chubby, bowl cutted boys.

i spent the better part of last week eating cookie crisp i smuggled home from america and pretending to be a giant eating regular sized cookids. it gave me a hankering for mcdonalds chocolate chip cookies and, lo and behold, on a semi-impromptu road trip last weekend we stopped at mcdonalds. i asked the thirteen year old kid behind the counter for chocolate chip cookies and he looked at me like i was an alien. i totally blew his mind! apparently now all they have are "mcdonalds cookies." the fact that i haven't actually consumed a mcdonalds product in over a decade is entirely beside the point. where can i find a substitute for those things?!

in other news, the event was tonight and was actually more fun than i could have imagined. the "art" that i made sold for $100, which tied for highest bid with matts!!! it is absolutely hilarious that out of the whole bunch, me and matt were the winners. go whiteys.

oh yeah! i need to work on developing a slight fantasy crush at work. he's this kind of vato looking guy in the facilities department that i always see in the lunchroom early in the morning and am (as always) too shy to even say hello to, even though i am on a first name basis with at least a dozen south asian accounting nerds. last friday he was wearing this crazy shirt with sparkly jewels on it and high top converse. i think i'm going to wear my i <3 d.f. shirt tomorrow and see if he notices. la raza! one more thing, and i cannot believe it, but i have burning feelings toward a youtube video of a brutal fight scene from rumble fish and the new arcade fire song. i've got to see that movie!

tinteardrop at 1:25 a.m.

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