

feel like i just fucked up a job interview. que sera.

today is blustery and fall-like. normally this would be extremely upsetting to me, however today sort of begs for autumnal melancholy. i'm getting my memorial tattoo for damon today which i am extremely anxious about. not sure why, really...i guess the permanence of it. that can't be it, permanence is the entire foundation. pain maybe, but i know i have a high threshold for pain and again, that is the reason behind it all. maybe its because i totally want to do it with my tattoo artist...all three are scary!

still thinking a ton about m, g and d. my philosophy says i should say fuck it and literally make a move (two different scenarios, but linked and absolutely relevant). and be a stud. but really i'm kind of a super shy sexual introvert. now is a good time to change that. so i attempt to summon some balls.

awesome vegas stuff:

*the bubbling, steaming cauldron of some crazy drink featuring "a blend of five rums" at the star trek experience

*nes controller, freight train, hearts on backs of legs tattoos on this super hot girl from portland

*the intense, enveloping heat

*the insane roller coaster in nyc

*just past the city, fucking mars

*the fact that gay bars there are the same sad, hilarious ones they feature in every stupid small town from winnipeg to london...so much fun! amazing for skanking and hardcore dancing!

tinteardrop at 11:40 a.m.

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