

super productive day! washed and lubed and adjusted and scrubbed and fixed and tuned up my bike :D then cleaned, lubed and changed my skate wheels so now i'll be fast fast fast!

cooked a good dinner and lazed around a ton...strung some holograph ribbons around the outside windows so no more gorgeous cedar waxwings casualties :)

tings be moving. decided i'm moving into shay shays place, replete with doorless bedroom and jacuzzi and weed! now i just have to let go of my comfortable living sitch right now and get used to the idea of actually and truly moving away.

watched big night last night and ate best lasagna i've ever made (secret was adding an entire pack of basil to the ricotta/spinach mixture)! such a good movie. been playing a million hours of sims. found out the candle was seized. yikes! but mom wants to try again, god love her!

tired, but feeling weird. guess i'll go to sleep soon. maybe work a little more on my serena/nate erotica. ha!

tinteardrop at 12:07 a.m.

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