
on a wing with less hair

luckily i have yet to shed a tear since arriving back in town..but man it's sad! the older i get the more loved ones i tend to accumulate so that a fun visit home turns into utter pandemonium within about an hour. ha!

my trip home was pretty easy and faust picked me up in his pickup with a bowl waiting :) god love that boy! he crashed out and i stalled by unpacking and watching jon and kate plus 8 on the internet for some reason. that show has a hold on me, man! sometimes i just get this ardent jonze for stuff like that; house hunters, restaurant makeover...ghosts of my teenage obsession with normalcy.

i'm hungry for angel hair capellini from olive garden...mmmmm...maybe i can convince the roommies to include that in the airport pickage uppage.

tinteardrop at 2:41 p.m.

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