
its called my roommates are making all kinds of noise while i'm trying to sleep :(

Jesus. What a fucking emotional clusterfuck man!!!

I�m on the caltrain at Menlo park, furiously typing out my memories and thoughts after spending a distracted 30 seconds trying to listen to harry potter and zone out. I feel half on the verge of tears and have all day today. Especially with every text message and freakin facebook wall post gently chastising me for not being as available as they had all hoped during my whirlwind trip back home. Mostly I regret not spending enough time with my mom. FUCK I regret that. But shit, I mean how much can you dwell on that stuff? I�m just thinking about all the amazing time we spent together before I left last summer and how ridiculously huge my heart has become with all the love it holds for my family.

The whole norcal Toronto thing is really starting to scare/creep/freak me out a bit�so similar, but sooooo far away from each other. Sadly my �home�coming has been fraught with a lot of anxiety about, what else? Roller derby. But the new plan is this: work as hard as I can and want, then deal with whatever that happens to entail.

Ok now a fruitless, random catalogue of things I love and have loved.

Fucking Stephen and Maggie, q Buena onda!!!!!
Pussy palace, the lesbian bathhouse party I went to with aimee
(b) seeing jen and meg there; hair wet, room steamy, meg wearing a nude bra underneath her huge leather jacket ☺
outside reffing the cn power bout and loving every tense moment
gang skating through parkdale in the misty orange glow
shaun (hugs, kisses, manliness, familiness�pure fing love)
matt mc (ditto minus the attraction)
eaten with alexis (crepes, ice cream [many] whole foods, pizza fries and candy)
roasted marshmallow iced cream with kate and the spliff on her porch after
toni�everything about her, being with her, sitting on her bed petting her kitties, getting MARRIED!!!!! This is my dream come true
fuckin dutch dreams with kevy boy
roller skating on the island
the zoo
wonderland with Robbie and gavin
the dyke march and meeting anna cruz!
Wilda. Beast. Man!
Jays game with the dude ☺
Berries!!!!! Mulberries, Saskatoon berries, wild strawberries, blackberries��AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!1
Danny toguri!
Sexily spooning with dolly on the couch and sharing likmaid on the bus
The dreamy brown/dark brown eyed cat on Robert
THE MOTHERFUCKING SPA!!!!!!!!!!! I should really put that down twice
Sandwich box!!!
Gold hat
Linda, Emily!
Jerusalem with mom
Bbq kebabs!
Can�t remember what I reopened the computer for! :P
O ya, American life with ira glass
<3 <3 <3

tinteardrop at 12:41 a.m.

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