
i'm not just their leader, i'm also one of them

why i am i so in love with islands? MAN i wish i had had better experiences with those dudes back in montreal! there was the mix-tape trading party where nick had just lost his wallet and just pretended to strum his guitar for the entire set while whispering. PPPTTTHHHHHWHHWWWW

THEN there was that show at the generator (generator? wait i don't think that's it...anyway) where konrad thought it would be funny to ball up pieces of paper and throw them onstage. we all agreed and did that before nick flipped the fuck out and started throwing beer bottles and gear into the crowd. it was kind of funny at first and then it just went crazy. supposedly he blacked our or something and didn't remember what had happened and was crying backstage? (or do i remember typing that from a diary entry back in the day? i don't know!)

anyway, good stuff.

played boggle again with zackyzack. god he rules. gave me this super soft and awesome flannel shirt that i now sleep in (stalk you so much zack!) and i totally destroyed him at boggle. the weirdest part was that we kept coming up with completely different words for the oddest boggle boards...like we would each have 10 or more points of completely unique words. weird! he complemented me on having a good memory "for someone who smokes a lot of pot," which i love because its true! we didn't have sex...again. but we did snuggle all night and it felt so good. did i write about this already? such a one track mind, especially during assignment brainfucks.

tinteardrop at 12:13 a.m.

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