
things i discovered i had drawn in the margins of my legal pads

hamburgers and hot dogs
random words "cotton, jukebox, melty, glass eyes"
treble clefs, yen symbols, olde english letters

went to brewery for the birthday which was cool. saw o and j...hahhahah, oj! they called, but i wasn't in the mood tonight. it's ollies bday this saturday in the city...we will see! hot hot boys. mmm. next two days will be spent semi panicking/doing the work i need to finish the semester and the year! (fingers crossed)

now i guess its time to sleep as my brain is barely functional and all i can think about is my steadily filling bladder and the stupifying set of pics i saw on todds facebook page of all the survivors partying at the finale. shwing!

tinteardrop at 1:16 a.m.

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