
take a flying fuck at the moon

just calculated my wacky period moon chart for the last couple of months. its making kind of a cool weezerish design...we'll see where that goes.

anyway, i finished school today! woooooo hoooooo!!!!!! it is decidedly and by far the crappiest, saddest, most pathetic assignment I have ever submitted ( in grad school no less) but its fucking done. and for some reason, i don't give a flying fuck! so this means i am fucking free for the rest of the summer. which means that it is now. officially. SUMMER!!!!!!!!! ho shit mang!

i celebrated by walking down to days in shaynas capri abercrombie sweatpants, my new rainbow locals and my old crusty skull hoody, going for that altogether jap at the library look...void the glasses and full makeup of course. got some beer and chatted with juan, walked home by the beach and had this incredible moment of harmony. my heart was purely swelling with the beauty of the earth and i felt truly free, looking out on the rolling, endless ocean and the glowing embers of the very last beach bonfire. gay, i know, but fuck. i live in paradise and i need to appreciate every second of it.

(of course noticed that zs truck is gone which immediately makes me assume [probably correctly] that he's getting some booty. this bothers me as i am saddened by being pwned by a 21 year old and also because i don't think i'm going to get to jump his hot bones anymore :( however, i really think that my heart isn't really that upset about it [thank god] but i should really be on the lookout for an [older] replacement)

just remembered a scene i wanted to remember to write the other day:

we clambored out the front (side) door, making sure to slam it shut tight so the kitties won't escape. the landlord had carefully raked up all the beautiful lotusy light pink blossoms that had prettily blanketed our front walkway for the last week or so. granted they were getting a little sallow and ambered, but fuck they were beautiful. the earth looked rich and thick, with zenlike lines smoothing each exposed patch into a symmetrical wavelength. she reached her hand up and shook the tree, hoping to free a few more lotus blossoms or send tumbling a new arm or headful of petals. instead a couple of hard, brown leaves shook out and fell noisily onto our heads. she grumpily snorted and we walked on through the gate.

umm, what else. made a little talking poem about the sky colors outside while finishing my tecate with the wind blowing in the kitties fur. i'm not in the mood for my lesporn tonight, but i believe i WILL smoke a bowl and watch the second newest 30 rock. and probably not go into work like i hinted i might. even if i don't go to big sur on the lame camping trip. we will see.

tinteardrop at 1:27 a.m.

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