

blah blah adrian is gone.

watching disturbia and popping a boner over shia lebeuf and thinking hilariously how he reminds me of a combination of oli and zack. realized they are basically the same dude, i.e. jews from marin. so hot. slept at zacks last night and had some crazy 3am sex. he had eyeliner on from a zombie party and a gay mohawk. such a motherfucker! i was going nuts, grabbing onto the slats of jackie's loft bed and came forever. damn. he's a weird one though. we were making out like crazy and then after he was all tight lipped and 'goodnight!' haha. hella hot neighbz.

had similarly awkward night with oli last week where i went over not realizing he was completely drunk. we fucked like 3 or 4 times in a row and kept almost coming and then not. i was soooo tired and finally had to ask him to stop and i think he was pissed! but in the morning it was all cuddles and kisses, so i think its all good :) my god his body is insane. completely smooth and totally rippling with muscles. i don't even think he works out or anything, he was saying he's a mutant, ha! also his bfff is such a cutie, i really love those kids.

went surfing finally!!! with britney, bryn and nick at the hook, which was radical. finally got the hang of wave-catching, rode a few sick ones into shore on my belly because i was too bewildered to stand up. and on the very last wave in i stood up for a few seconds and then bounced around in glee for about an hour :D :D :D just the beginning.

today i went to the driving range and kind of learned how to hit ballz. so sweet, this year i learned how to bat like a boy, hit like a boy, surf like a girl and golf like a senile old man. amazeballs. saw where the wild things are on friday and loved it. a lot of people seem to think its way too sad, but to me it was just right. life is fucking sad and lots of kids have lonely weirdness as the foundation for their childhood. its always complicated and rarely ends happily. i loved it. i even shed a dramatically springy single tear at the end and then my heart cracked a bit when the audience howled together at the screen.

howl at the moon. is what i must do. also i dreamed of whales last night. a a gargantuan black shape, rigid with bumps, sleek grey whales with smooth noses and massive belugas swimming just below me. zack dreams always bring the animal weird.

tinteardrop at 2:57 a.m.

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