
le weekend

broke into my house after locking myself out in an astounding 5 minutes or less by climbing onto the roof and into an open window in my landlords bedroom. i am equal parts proud and wary.

made $170 babysitting for two nights (!!!!) i mean, guarding the precious lives of three wonderful children should be worth $20 an hour, right?? anyway it was barely a job. we had manic dance parties, rapped flight of the conchords lyrics at each other, played ssx tricky and guitar hero and discussed our dreams. i have accumulated yet another santa cruz family i hope will adopt me somehow.

spent some time at the coldwater classic, which was pretty great. today the swell was insane and lifeguards on jet skis were giving the surfers rides back into steamers. the waves were easily 15 feet and it was incredibly awe inspiring. and surf inspiring. think we will be going out tomorrow. also tomorrow is some thirtysomething brunch deal. i am excited. and tired.

tinteardrop at 12:17 a.m.

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