
antsy times four

heart a fluttery and sludgemuddled at once. simon is supposed to come over and i'm not sure how to relax and wait.

anxiety over tons of other stuff and some beer and weed in the mix. maybe wine is the ticket.


ah some nice $3.49 chardonnay and an unexpected bowl hit from my new roommate while he and his son play downhill domination on the ps2. righteous.

more condensed clouds of anxiety swirling in general. wishing i had some kind of heavyhanded benefactor making decisions for me. ridiculous. i guess i will be moving to sf...if i can pawn off the kitties and if i can find a job, a place etc. i think the best prescription will be to refrain from the dramatics, but come on! hard shit to face alone. always.

tinteardrop at 9:01 p.m.

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