
the best part is i am kind of scared of her

my infatuation continues as well as my enthusiasm for sport!

i actually saw her riding her bike on my way home with kate today. my heart completely leapt and we stared at her as she busted ass down the street, no helmet on and massive headphones over her ears. hottest.

went to my very first baby shower on sunday, which proved to be both fun and unexpected as i saw lots of people from high school. the food was phenomenal and someone brought these miniature cupcakes in flavors such as lavender/white chocolate and strawberry/rhubarb.

i also ran into a ton of random people at the bout including two of my three transgendered friends, both in completely seperate groups of people. i also saw this volunteer from my old work who is kind of a grizzled punk who is also a tattooed bootlegger who owns a vegetarian restaurant.

tinteardrop at 12:00 a.m.

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