

a compilation of weird/hilarious things i have found in here:

they eventually retreated and i noticed that in the back of the theater, in our rickety seats, i was sitting next to a tiny tiny man in a plum suit sitting on about 9 booster seats, casually observing.

i like matt. he's a solid person and a chris elliot fan. i'm also nurturing a miniature greg-esque lust for the gutch. something about his pitching arm muscles and general cleanliness.

i guess we were laughing at jeff being a papi chulo, graham being slightly womanly and the looming excitement of jeff possibly unbuttoning his shirt except for the very top button.

we walked around the space a bit more and i found a mummified raccoon half stuck in some large metal piping with a manic expression on it's face. it really scared me...i'm still thinking about it!

i found this insane statue of a collie in the garbage outside hurricanes last night that is maybe a horcrux or posessed. greg took a picture of it with his phone and it looked freakily animated with scary ruby red lips.

they had tropical runts or some craziness and one of the flavors was mango and it was the most delicious runt i have ever tasted.

he found an inchworm in alexis' hair and put it on my arm where we oohed and awed over how cool and cute it was and i made a coral forest out of sticks.

from meeting my 70 year old serbian bff at the dmv to seeing tony hawk in the mandalay bay casino, every moment was special in its own way.

also she brought along candy and then got a baconator on the way home and i watched her eating it through the rearview and was super turned on.

i spent the better part of last week eating cookie crisp i smuggled home from america and pretending to be a giant eating regular sized cookids.

now, listening to japanther i am feeling those high school emotions more intensely than i did that time i borrowed an adolescents cd from jordan in grade ten french. i remember taking it home and pressing the case to my cheek with my head on the pillow. like in franny and zooey when he is kissing the collar of her raccoon coat as if it were an extra limb.

tinteardrop at 1:19 a.m.

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